Joe Gavin

STEVEN (Full Video)


Stu Bentley made us aware of the video he made around 10/15 years ago unknowingly named 'STEVEN' featuring the likes of Joe Gavin, Lucien Clarke, Rory Milanes, Olly Todd with "a bit of Manc, bit of London and Oz too!"

PRESTIGE – This Time It’s War (Interview + Full Video)


PRESTIGE.... a Christmas present for everyone.

Pearls – Carhartt WIP x Grey


Jim Craven's new visual treat for Carhartt WIP x Grey. Featuring all your favourites at some photogenic spots.

Throwback Thursday – Landscape ‘Escapes’


9 minutes of Landscape shreddery from a few years back. Lanners for ever!

Landscape Skateboards – Seasons (Full Video)


Landscape Skateboards absolutely fucking crushing it!

Joe Gavin – The Cottonopolis Video


The most productive Mancunian in Manchester...probably the UK to be honest.

Throwback Thursday – Joe Gavin ‘Welcome to Landscape Skateboards’


Crewe York OG and Vague favourite Joe Gavinripping in his welcome to Landscape Skateboards part

Throwback Thursday – Snake Eyes Die


This week’s delve into the past goes back to 2013 for Note Shop’s ‘Snake Eyes Die’ full length put together superbly by Joe Gavin.



'LIFE ADMIN' a video hosted by Gaz Eyres and put together beautifully by Joe Gavin. See NOTE Shop's latest video offering below with some photos by Ian Williams and Jim Craven. Watch this 13 minute video piece here now!

Lentiicular – Carhartt


Roger Gonzalez' 'LENTIICULAR' for Carhartt WIP is now online. See the likes of Roman Gonzalez, Felipe Bartolomé, Chris Milic, Andrew Wilson, Joe Gavin, Matlok Bennet-Jones, Joseph Biais, Rémy Taveira, Robbin De Wit skate Paris, New York, Lisbon and Madrid.

Throwback Thursday – ALBION Montage 1


In anticipation of the new 'Blips' video we thought it would be timely to dedicate our TBT to one of the documenters of the video...lens legend Kev Parrott. For our TBT we look back at one of his previous projects Albion filmed with Ryan Gray and Morph was released back in 2014. 

Throwback Thursday – Underwraps


Underwraps is a 30 minute edit from Dan Magee, Matt Fox and Stu Bentley featuring a bulk of UK legends skating spots that range from estates to shipyards in the mid 2000's.

Throwback Thursday – Scale Of Radness (Lovenskate x Carhartt)


Lovenskate x Carhartt doing a bit of the ole' rollerplanking in the Isle of Man. Big up!

Throwback Thursday – Joe Gavin London Lines


A seemingly never ending line of Joe Gavin and pals around the big smoke for Throwback Thursday.

Vibeseekers 3.5 Full Video & Interview


Vibeseekers 3.5 full video with photo gallery and Joe Gavin interview.

Throwback Thursday – Stella Supply Co. Promo


Stella Supply Co.'s 2011 promo video featuring Irie stunts across London.

Madchester Mondays – Full Length Video


Compilation of the first Madchester Mondays series into one juicy full lengther.

Baton – Spitfire


Spitfire UK in Barcelona.