Anyone who’s unfamiliar with Ben Rowles should firstly watch over a plethora of his footage, as it’s insane. Aside from his talents Ben’s alias is The Skateboard Physiotherapist, specialising in the areas most commonly inflicted through the pains of our joyous hobby. On top of this also works for the NHS. Needless to say he’s confirmed as an absolute don! This interview by our friends at Free also sheds good insight into the reasons Ben chose this righteous path.
Ben put together a pdf highlighting some great bits of physio designed to be done at home and the more you get into it, the more benefits you’ll notice. We can’t thank Ben enough for this and as hard as it is to motivate yourself in any stagnant situation, be it a global crisis, signing on, or generally just not feeling it, these choice moves will certainly help. This isn’t to say you should feel guilty if you don’t, as you definitely shouldn’t, but from personal experience it definitely reduces frustration and induces stoke and serenity in the same swoop.
Ben has only gone and released this pdf for free and when things are back to normal you should all hit him up, what an absolute lej.
Let’s all keep safe, healthy and in touch with each other. Mad love.
Check out a glimpse of the PDF below featuring Nisse Ingemarsson and Heywood Ward then click the image below to download the free Vague x The Skateboard Physiotherapist Physio Routine PDF or alternatively click here:
The Skateboard Physiotherapist x The Ben Raemers Foundation – 1 Hour session – Watch Below
Ben guided us through the free physio PDF during a 1 hour live session thanks to the legends at The Ben Raemers Foundation. If you missed it you can now watch the whole thing below, make sure you download the free PDF here before you start. Big up to Ben for putting time aside to do this while working on the frontline for the NHS during this difficult time.
The Skateboard Physiotherapist x The Ben Raemers Foundation – 1 Hour session
Click the image above or HERE to download the free Vague x The Skateboard Physiotherapist Physio Routine PDF or if you’re struggling to download to your device you can flick through below.