Shinpei Ueno’s steeze graces the front cover of Issue 23 with a shapes ride on backslide lipslide shot by Nobou Iseki. The surrounding artwork was illustrated by the very rad French. The mag will be available via skater owned stores from Monday 1st November or you can order it right now through the shop here / click the cover spread below! We also offer a subscription deal with Issue 23 included in our 2021 deal, get hold of it here. We ship worldwide and free stickers come with all orders while stocks last!
Issue 23 features:
Albie Edmonds Interview
DC UK Tour
French Art Interview
Amada Perez Interview
Art Gallery curated by French
Dan Fisher-Eustance Interview
Photo Gallery
Jasper Pegg Interview
Loutre Feature
It’s Not Where You’re From: Norwich with Danny Jackson & Jasper Pegg