Christoph Friedmann and photographer Friedjof Feye treat us to an article they documented on their travels to Athens to avoid the wintery conditions of Germany.
Back in 2019, when people could travel without worrying about spreading the plague, Owen Godbert and Max Harrison-Caldwell spent the month of October volunteering with Free Movement Skateboarding in Athens.
The European Independent Truck Co crew hit Athens with a powerful line up consisting of Eniz Fazliov, Thanos Panou, Tommi Bjork, Nikolai Alin and Jake Collins.
The drifters get their sens down to Greece and have a right shred! See the delights of Tom Knox, Chris Jones, Max Palmer, Nick Jensen, Matlok Bennett-Jones, Mike Arnold, Remy Taveira, Sylvain Tognelli, Kyron Davis and Casper Brooker.