We knew the Quad Bolt’s video was going to be something but we weren’t expecting this. It’s safe to say we were not disappointed one bit. Mastermind Luke Fletcher puts together a sterling video from start to finish with an amazing soundtrack to introduce the world to Quad Bolts. Featuring a heavy hitting line up including Luke Fletcher as himself, Vaughan Jones, Stefan Janoski, Kyron Davis, Ragdoll, Silas Baxter-Neal, Corey Bartle-Sanderson, Caspar Barnett, Blinky, Laurie O’Hara, Josh Rose, Phil Cruise, Jared Sherbert, Andy Davidson, Jasper Dawson Clough, Ash Wilson, Connie Gascoyne, Joe McCombe, Arthur Derrien, Doddy, Hannah Coyne Williams, Russ Weasel, Craig Williams, Frost, Goose, Rauiri Jones, Casper Brooker, Kingy, Geff, Guy Jones, Fred Lambert, Greg Herbert, Paul Hill, Ike, Jake Laffoley, Will Kynno and last bit not least Dave Mackey. Get inspired below then buy some quality Quad Bolts goods here.
Filmed + Edited by: Luke Fletcher + Vaughan Jones