We’re honoured to upload the [ 11: INBOUND+81 ] part from Tightbooth’s incredible video ‘LENZ III’. You may have seen a few parts go up on here over the last few weeks. This section features far too many of our faves, so we’re super hyped to treat your eyes with this one. Starring Casey Foley, Louie Dodd, Chris Jones, Connor Kammerer, Shane Powell, Roddie, Jesse Narvaez, Pat Hoblin, Jameel Douglas, Roger Krebs, Brandon Nguyen, Mark Suciu and Ben Koppl. All filmed brilliantly by Shingo Ogura, Naoya Morohashi, Shinpei Ueno, Miguel Angel Caravantes + Ryan Flores. Enjoy below and expect to see more ‘LENZ III’ goodness soon! In the meantime go buy the video on DVD via the Tightbooth site here or alternatively find it at Palomino and Theories of Atlantis.
Filmed By: Shingo Ogura, Naoya Morohashi, Shinpei Ueno, Miguel Angel Caravantes + Ryan Flores
Edited By: Shinpei Ueno
Motion Graphics By: Tomoyuki Kijirai
Music: “Nillor” Southpaw Chop “Covid8” Killer-bong