Brian Powderly & Sean Powderly in Loophole Wheels: 2ND VISIONS


Baltimore brothers Sean & Brian Powderly’s gorgeous new shared part from Loophole Wheels’ full length banger ‘2ND VISIONS’. The Powderly’s seem to blend offerings that are simultaneously therapeutic as they are impressive and gnarly. Creative, strong and all round enjoyable tricks with no shortage of great spot choice to boot. Hats off to them both. Plus any idea how geographically far that last line is? Send your answers on a postcard to the most bohemian hill in San Francisco.

To see previously released ‘2ND VISIONS’ parts click here.

To support a top brand and get the whole video digitally click here.

You know what compliments videos of skating? An interview with the man behind the lens. In this case it’s the extremely talented Zach Chamberlin conducted by the extremely talented Al Hodgson which will be coming to the site soon, so keep em peeled.

Filmed + Edited by: Zach Chamberlin