When the word style is an understatement. Jerome Campbell from 2011 Sheffield scene video 'Brass Monkey'.
A new Swift Blazer remix, this time with Bristol legend Danny Wainwright.
Korahn Gayle's exceptional output remixed by Matt Swift.
Sheffield’s very own Swift Blazer makes a 7 minute remix of the greatest things to go down at the now demolished Subway 9 spot.
Watch this epic 12 minute mash up of the ever impeccable Stevie Williams remixed by Swift Blazer.
The King: Victor Mputu gets the Swift Blazer treatment. Watch 3 minutes of remixed footage of one of the finest out of West Yorkshire.
Matt Swift has come through with another belter remix, this time of West Country don Will Ainley.
New Swift Blazer remix of style icon Shaun Currie.
Ben Powell interviews remix master Matt 'Swift Blazer' Swift.
11 minutes of Keith Hufnagel put together by Matt (Swift Blazer) Blazer. X
Superb Jeff Lenoce remix edit by Matt (Swift Blazer) Swift.
7 minutes of Guy Mariano remixed by Matt (Swift Blazer) Blazer for your viewing pleasure.
Skateboard Cafe’s very own Dom Henry gets the Swift Blazer treatment.
French wizardry from Lucas Puig remixed by Swift Blazer.