Spitfire squad getting their licks in Colorado. As to be expected, there's tonnes of impressive stuntery from these purveyors of urethane.
Fabiana Delfino comes through with this high octane new part for Bronson Speed Co.
A new Keet Oldenbeuving part for Santa Cruz, backed up by some of her female team mates. Get viewing here.
Styles upon styles upon style! Fabiana Delfino always brings the ruckus!
Hyped on the new Vans Fabiana Delfino collection. Check it out here.
Loving this new edit from Shari White. Check the clip then grab an accompanying zine from Norma Ibarra.
Farran Golding chats to Fabiana Delfino for Slam City Skates.
Sirus F Gahan capturing some absolute shreddery from a Vans all women (sans Manhead) venture to the South Pacific. Absolutely sensational!