Bordeaux's premier skate store Riot celebrate their 20th anniversary with he release of 7/7, a banging full length from Lucci Mazières!
A very special upload indeed! Yoan Taillandier's 'Minuit' uploaded in full.
You read the title correctly, it's a brand new Giddy video! Thank you Romain Batard!
Belter new offerings from the European Levi's Skateboarding team.
Heavy line up in this absolute banger from Wall Street & Riot Skate Shop, hitting the gawjus streets of Bordeaux.
Purveyors of fine denim getting it in their own respective countries for Levi's Skateboarding.
Some more Edouard, just because who doesn't want that?
Edouard Depaz's new part for RAVE x Vague filmed in Paris, Marseille and Bordeaux. DouDou does not disappoint!
Charlie Munro on one in this new Jenkem X Levis edit.
The Öctagon crew went to Japan and the results are spot on, as you'd obviously expect.
Dope aesthetics from every angle for this one, ya hear?
Robin Pailler documenting steeze hog Edouard Depaz out there in the Bordeaux and Parisian streets!