VX capturings of TJ Rogers by Chris Thiessen for éS footwear, have some of that.
The Northern Friends section from full length video 'Hot Plate' featuring plenty of Hopps, Traffic, Magenta and Theories of Atlantis affiliates.
8 minutes of raw Alex Schmidt filmed between 2015-2019 by Chris Thiessen.
Bobby boy’s raw clips filmed in New York and Barcelona during 2016.
Next up it’s Jersey’s very own quick footed chief Glen Fox for Chris Thiessen’s VX1000 raw tapes.
10 mins of Dolan Stearns VX1000 footy courtesy of Chris Thiesson. Hurrah!
More raw tapes from Chris Thiessen's VX1000. This time with Magenta's very own flowman Leo Valls!
Brad Cromer gets the VX1000 Raw treatment from Chris Thiesson filmed between 2015 - 2017