Coda Skateboards – EP (Full Video)


Celebrating 20 years in the game and truly one of the most legitimave brands out there, Coda Skateboards have released this new full length number titled EP. Coda’s output has always been on point and this latest piece firmly backs up this statement.

Uploaded by the good folk at Skate Jawn (check this rad article and this interview also) and featuring Pat Smith, Tony Farmer, Duncan Rowland, Jake Keenan, Dylan Goldberger, Pat Galloway, Maddie Hazlett, Caleb Shank, Langliegh Grissom, Cody Rosenthal, Tony Ellis & Katy Grahm.

Filmed by: Elias Parise, Lorenzo Martinez, Angel Delgado, Eric Nguyen, Rob Woeckers, Eddie Gutierez, Jesse Mac, Stephen Blanquie, Matt Taylor & Tanner McFarland

Edited by: Elias Parise

Animations by: Dylan Goldberger & Jake Keenan