Carve Wicked – Old Skool Nokia (Full length)


Since it’s initial crew inception to evolution into ply-wood venture, Carve Wicked have continued to have an incredible output with consistent audio-visual offerings without ever skimping on the humour.

Harry Deane comes through with some to notch filming, Tuff Pints provide the soundtrack and the CRV-WKD boys bring the ruckus.

Watch below to see Sam Pulley, Jake Collins, Dannie Carlson, Chav Dan, Tom Bailey, Dean Greensmith, Ben Morris, Paul Jenkins and more absolutely slay!

Want more Carve goodness? Pick up Issue 33 for their Mallorca article in print avec Sam Pulley’s insane cover accompanied by Lloyd Houston artwork. Av some of dat!

Dedicated to Ben Devine, forever in our hearts.

Filmed + Edited by: Harry Deane