Bryggeriet Micro Brew 03: TÖSABIDARNA


This Micro Brew episode focuses on the girl and trans scene of Malmö having it at Bryggeriet skatepark put together by Mike O’Shea.

Art & Skateboarding? Yes please!

Featuring Moa Zander, Edith Nordström, Vilja Lundmark, Selma Pettersen, Barbara Makowiecka, Stella Knutagard, Sarah Meurle, Alex Kolfjord, Linnea Nakhostkar, Py Nilsson, Mimmi Leckius & Vilma Stål.

Filmed by: Mike O’Shea, Edith Nordström, Py Nilsson & Stella Knutagard

Edited by: Mike O’Shea

Drawings by: Moa Zander

Animations by: Mike O’Shea