Vague contributor Craig Dodds puts out a new Belfast coverage in video form rather than the usual photographic form that he’s know for. See below for a shed load of Belfast locals smashing it!
Some words from Craig on Belfast Social Skateboard Security: “A back log of footage and nearly a whole year going by of me taking my time to put this all together. But I couldn’t be more thrilled with how its all finally came together. These are my favorite edits to make, the mixture of insanity gelled with the comedy you deal with on a day to day basis while roaming the streets of Belfast in search of your own thrills with a heavy crew on hand to keep the craic way above 90. With the usual faces gracing your flashing handheld devices alongside some new ones I’m proud to introduce the hard work of the Belfast skate scene. Hope you all enjoy.”
Filmed and Edited by: Craig Dodds
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